Steve Coder

Archive: December 2012


The prophet Samuel took a stone and called it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far has the Lord helped us!” 20 years earlier, Israel was waylaid at a place called Ebenezer and lost a total of 34k men. Samuel, knowing this, took a rock as a memorial of Israel’s present victory over the Philistines and named it, of all things, Ebenezer. Why…

“You are free…” These are the first three words God speaks to man. He says, “You are free,” (Gen 2:16) and He then defines the nature of that freedom. Adam and Eve could explore and tend to God’s garden – they just couldn’t eat of one tree. As you know, they did eat and, thus, our troubles began. My fifth…

“On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.” (John 14:20) I was talking with a homeless brother yesterday who, in the course of our conversation, looked at his tattered, broken bag and said, “There’s a lot in that little bag.” He had his life’s work in…


My wife thought I was having a heart attack. Almost thirty years ago, Jesus came to me in my sleep. In the dream, He filled the entire sky. When I saw Him, I began to dig like a dog in the ground to hide from His incredible holiness. I couldn’t dig deep enough or fast enough because of the horror of…